Welcome! I am a Fellow at UCLA's Center for Law & Philosophy and a Visiting Fellow at Yale Law School's center for internet law, the Information Society Project.
You can find out about my research in the Research page of this website.
I hold a JD and a PhD in legal philosophy from UC Berkeley. I also hold a BA (in Rhetoric) from UC Berkeley and two master’s degrees, one in Classics from St. Catharine's College, Cambridge and one in Philosophy from Christ Church College, Oxford.
I have held a graduate research position at King's College, Cambridge during the 2019-20 academic year and a visiting membership of the Cambridge Forum for Legal and Political Philosophy at the University of Cambridge Law Faculty at several points between 2019-23.
I have also held visiting studentships in philosophy at Hamburg (2019, 2021), Köln (2021) Regensburg (2019) and Lausanne (2022) universities.
Name Guide:
My first name is pronounced like Aminoacid. I have a non-dashed-two-word-last-name, which is confusing. My friends know me just as Amin Ebrahimi.
He or They Series